Spotlight on Glutathione - why it’s an extremely important compound to support your ability to recover from dis-ease and maintain optimal wellness.


Glutathione, also referred to as GSH, is one of the most important and powerful antioxidants within the body. Antioxidants help to reduce oxidative stress in the body by combating free radicals, which are unstable atoms that can damage to the cells, contribute to many diseases and illnesses, and accelerate aging. GSH is made of 3 amino acids—cysteine, glutamate, and glycine. Glutathione is not just an antioxidant, it has a number of other really important functions.


Glutathione is  important for supporting the integrity of our  immune system function and is a very important detoxifier of many toxins we are regularly exposed to like  pesticides, fungicides, and other toxins we breathe in regularly. It acts like a heavy metal chelator,  protecting us from metals like mercury, antimony, arsenic, lead, and cadmium. Glutathione helps to protect our mitochondria from damage or breakdown through its robust antioxidant activity, and helps to protect the cells of our nervous system from damage. It also has the ability to work with other antioxidants to help them operate more efficiently. 

We actually produce glutathione  in our body, where as other antioxidants like vitamins A, C and E, are derived from food we eat, and it is more highly concentrated in the liver cells. Because it’s created in the cell to keep our cells healthy (and happy) and is hugely important in oxidizing threats like toxins, chemicals, heavy metals, stress, cancer , etc., it is vital that our bodies maintain  necessary amounts of glutathione to stay well.  In fact, is is necessary that we have glutathione to stay alive.


There are many factors that can impact maintaining optimal levels. As we age, our ability to produce GSH declines. Also  depending on how much stress has been placed on the body, and particularly the  liver (like consuming alcohol, fatty liver disease due to poor diet, diabetes etc) glutathione production can slow way down. Environmental toxins, like pesticides, can also have a big impact on glutathione levels. Dr. Chris Shade, a well known expert in detoxification, suggests that mold, neoplastic diseases, and viruses all have the ability to shut down the GSH pathway as a way of creating a more habitable environment for themselves. The mold confuses the cell, so detox pathways become blocked. 

If our body cannot maintain optimal levels, immune function can  become compromised, the ability to remove threats from the body is not as efficient, toxin levels build up and are stored in our fats and tissues, which will continue to wreak havoc on the integrity  of our cells and the ability of our body ( and brain) to function optimally. The end result is inflammation, dysfunctional mitochondria, and chronic dis-ease and illness. 


For anyone struggling with chronic dis-ease within the body, reducing intracellular inflammation and oxidative stress are key components as you navigate your healing journey, and that is why we believe considering GSH support can be important.  We also feel that anyone desiring to support their overall vitality and wellness, could benefit from optimizing levels as they age and particularly if engaging in lifestyle activities or work activities that put extra demand on energy reserves that increase stress within the body.


There are many glutathione supplements on the market, but unfortunately research shows that glutathione by mouth is not easily absorbed and converted within the cells. IV glutathione, since it bypasses the GI tract and digestion processes, can be a really great approach to support GSH levels as it is absorbed directly through the blood stream and has the capacity to enter the cells quickly. For those not interested in IV administration, there is research that shows the form acetyl glutathione as being more superior than glutathione due to it not being affected by peptidases in the blood, and it is more easily absorbed into the cell. We recommend doing more research to find the right brand for you.


Here at Inner Peace Hydrate, we love to provide glutathione IV to our clients- it’s available in many of our drips (including our beauty and anti-aging drip!) and as an add-on anytime.  Whether you are struggling to recover after viral illness, have asthma, fibromyalgia, metabolic syndrome, neurodegenerative disorders, or are looking to support recovery from intense performance, are recovering from mold toxicity, or just want options for anti-aging and bio hacking, our IV therapy services could be a great fit for you!

 For those that have had declining health, impaired detox pathways, multiple stressors on the body, and low cellular energy, improvements can take some time to experience. We also might need to start IV glutathione in lower doses and titrate up with time (low and slow) to reduce detox symptoms and more stress within the body. That is why we provide a free consultation so we can talk through your unique wellness needs and discuss options that will be most appropriate for you to start. We offer multiple wellness packages and can curate services based on your individual needs. 

As like any wellness modality, that modality alone will not yield the most optimal results unless it is supported by a holistic approach where one is leveraging many facets that support harmonizing the body, mind, and soul.   If you are seeking more support in your healing journey, we can provide the ultimate wellness experience combining the benefits of IV Vitamin Therapy with Functional Wellness coaching and energy modalities through our sister company, Inner Peace Wellness Co

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For those interested in booking an IV experience, give us a call today to chat.

We look forward to dripping you!


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